
Monday, September 22, 2008

Artist's Log

I am a HUGE lover of Prismacolor. One thing I say to anyone who's serious about doing art, even if it's only for personal pleasure, buy the good stuff! And Prismacolor qualifies as "the good stuff."

I've had the 120 set of the think art pencils for years, since high school. I love them! I even have 12 discontinued colors, plus the 24 newly released colors. That's alot of pencils, and they are a dream to use. However, one problem I always had was doing detail. The thick art pencils have very soft leads, which makes them great for blending, but not so great when your looking for a point. So, I heard that these Verithin pencils are just the compliment to your set. So I ordered some from Cheap Joe's Art Supply online. After they arrived, I sat down to use them. I took the black pencil and sharpened it to a point and attempted to do some detail work. Well, my honest opinion is that I'd rather repeatedly sharpen the soft ones again and again than use the verithins. Maybe I'm just not used to them, but they don't flow well for me. I'll keep trying and hopefully I'll get the hang of it. Here's the pic that I drew:

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