
Sunday, September 21, 2008


Hello. So I've decided to follow the rest of my generation and start a blog. Why? Well, I often get questions from friends and family, and it dawned on me: Why not share my experiences with others? I know I've benefited from other people's wisdom. Maybe someone will benefit from mine. So what kind of knowledge am I talking about? Well, for instance: "Colleen, your lunches are so cute! How do you make those bear-shaped eggs? They are too cute!" or "How did you do that hairstyle?" or "How did you make that rice ball?" or "How did you do your makeup?" and other such stuff. Hence the name of the blog: Realm of Random Ramblings. I'll talk about anything, or maybe nothing. And why "REALM" you say? Well, it has to do with my current last name, and my maiden name, both of which relate to royalty. No, I'm not royalty, but the origins of my two last names are anyhow. I guess the first thing I will do is fulfill my friend Tracy's request on "How did you do your hair? It's driving me crazy!!!" So, that'll be up on Youtube and linked here as soon as I do it. Alright then, I guess that's it for now...TTFN!

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